
Artists are Experts.

No matter how
this may come across...
everyone has a gift therefore everyone is talented.
the difference between those who have success and those who are empty is that few people work hard... relentlessly hard and another factor which is not true for most is becoming experts in your craft of the talent you possess.
Almost everyone knows of a local who tries to emulate a popular "artists" such as lil wayne or drake. Whether it be style or musically. Popular music is missing experts. People who KNOW music instruments.beats.lyrics.melody.tonality.emotion.originality.the process.
The majority of music now more than ever is a bought and sold product. A refined product that came from many bought sources.
Lyrics $10,000(from anonymous)...Beat $1,000(from some college dude)
The consumer no longer knows who's work they bought or where their $15 went after they bought that cd.
When you know your craft so well you become an expert at it, it becomes hard to be bought and sold and then soon after not cool anymore.
Legends. Icons. Good Artists. are not predicted.

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